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We Sat Down With Founder, Lauren Worden

Word Marketing Co. Founder, Lauren Worden, launched Word in 2021. Her inspiration began working in the fashion industry for a local boutique, she then continued her career in corporate planning for VENUS fashion. She created Word Marketing as a way to help small businesses in the community grow + prosper and has done just that in under a year.

We wanted to sit down with her and talk all things Word, as well as learn a bit more about her goals, inspirations, hobbies and more.

Does the business name, Word Marketing Co. originate from your last name?

Yes! It seemed just so perfect when I first thought about it.

Have you always been entrepreneurial? What led you to take that first step and start your own business?

Not really! I worked for a small business right out of college and loved it! When I left to work a corporate job I missed the feeling of my work really making an impact. During the pandemic that same small business needed marketing help and I thought if they need help then others must also and that’s how it all started.

What do you enjoy most about being a female entrepreneur?

The people I meet & the success of the small businesses we help.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Wake up, some type of content creation, coffee & breakfast, emails emails emails, posting & scheduling, meetings, website updates, spin or bounce class, emails, dinner, emails, bed, emails :-)

What do you do when you’re not managing Word Marketing Co.?

- Spin or bounce classes at Define or a run

- Shop with the girls

- Dates with Conor

What goals are you still working towards achieving?

This is such a great question. My goals are never ending. If one is reached another one is created. Right now I have some organizational goals that I’m working on.

What's it like living in a small beach town, where you get to help small businesses grow?

It’s my favorite thing in the world. I hope to grow the business to other small towns that could use the help!

Who was your first client? How did it feel to secure your first client?

Penelope T! It felt natural, PT has been with me from the beginning.

When and where do you do your best thinking or are most creative?

Lunchtime walks are so great for letting your mind wander, the thought of this business happened during one of these walks! Or a shower...alone time with loud music!

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

Sara Blakey. I wish she could be my mentor!

What is one piece of advice you would give any aspiring female business leaders reading this?

Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.

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